Corporate behaviour
including anti-corruption and anti-competitive behaviour
Our approach
Our Group’s reputation is built on our tradition of high integrity, good business conduct, dedication, and the unbiased excellence of the people who work here and who are fundamental to our achievements. Exhibiting responsible corporate behaviour is key in order to ensure our future economic success on a sustainable basis.
By applying high standards of business ethics and fostering integrity and credibility, we can positively influence our interactions with stakeholders, such as our customers and suppliers, thus preserving our reputation.
For us, ethical behaviour means a commitment to responsible personal and business conduct, including the commitment to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Fundamental Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Our commitment to human rights – in particular, compliance with the ILO conventions on child labour and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – is described in our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. Furthermore, we prohibit any form of modern slavery, including forced labour and child labour, and human trafficking within our organisation and supply chains as explained in the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement of Jungbunzlauer Group for 2023.
This approach means that we expect our employees and business partners to treat everyone with dignity and respect, in line with our core values forming an integral part of our introductory training and annual appraisal process. We therefore expect that, while at work, all employees refrain from agitating for any particular belief (e.g. culture, religion or political views) within the company. We have specified this in the Jungbunzlauer Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, which was implemented in 2021.
With our company-wide policies, such as the Code of Business Conduct, the Health, Safety, Environmental and Sustainability Policy and the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, Jungbunzlauer’s management takes its responsibility for ensuring good business practices seriously. These policies are shared with all employees – including all members of the governance bodies – during their introductory training and are available on our intranet. In case of questions or for advice regarding the implementation of our policies and practices, employees can directly contact their direct supervisor, the HR department or the top management of the relevant entity, or our Executive Committee. There is also a whistle- blowing system in place, which can be used in case of concerns.
Our ambition
The Jungbunzlauer Group is active in all important markets throughout the world, so compliance with different laws and regulations is essential for our business activities. Following the Jungbunzlauer Code of Business Conduct guarantees that our reputation is maintained.
Code of Conduct
The Jungbunzlauer Code of Business Conduct, which was updated in 2022, provides practical and easy-to-understand explanations of many of the basic rules and principles that apply to our businesses. Two important topics for our stakeholders – corruption and bribery – are addressed, together with the topics of anti-competitive behaviour, antitrust and fraud, conflicts of interest, and whistleblowing.
The Code applies to the Jungbunzlauer Group and all of its subsidiaries, branches and representative offices worldwide, and covers members of the Board of Directors, executives, officers and employees, regardless of location. The management team of each Jungbunzlauer company is responsible for observing the guidelines in our policies and ensuring that their employees understand and comply with the Code. Depending on local regulations, different Jungbunzlauer entities may have their own guidelines and/or policies in addition to those mentioned in the Code.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
This policy focuses on Jungbunzlauer’s responsibility towards its stakeholders regarding health and safety conditions, business practices and the safety of our products. It is reviewed at least every five years by the Executive Committee. Observance of this policy is the responsibility of the management of each Jungbunzlauer subsidiary. The companies’ managers and executive boards immediately report any arising problems or non-compliance to the CEO. Our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is also applicable in the workplace.
Compliance training
Compliance trainings help us to overcome legal and ethical challenges, provide orientation, and strengthen confidence in our performance and integrity.
Upon starting work at Jungbunzlauer, a set of online compliance training courses must be completed by all relevant employees, as well as by members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Since 2021, all relevant employees, including members of the Executive Committee, have been required to undergo refresher compliance training every two years.
Our training covers the following topics: information security, compliance basics, social compliance (anti-discrimination), preventing corruption, fair competition, data protection, and responsible exporting. In 2023, a new training course on whistleblowing was added.
Key measures and evaluation
Business practices and potential issues are regularly discussed by Senior Management during monthly Executive Committee meetings and, if necessary, remedial measures are taken.
Online compliance trainings
Targets for 2023
Continued online compliance training for all relevant employees, including management
Progress and achievements in 2023
In 2023, 96% of employees completed the compliance training assigned to them
Code of Business Conduct
Targets for 2023
Zero cases of corruption
Zero incidents of unethical business conducta
Progress and achievements in 2023
Zero confirmed incidents of corruption were recorded in 2023
Zero confirmed incidents of unethical business conduct were recorded in 2023
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Targets for 2023
Progress and achievements in 2023
The policy is currently under review, the Code of Business Conduct and the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy are being merged into a new Jungbunzlauer Code of Conduct covering all ESG pillars
Export control procedure
Targets for 2023
Continued training of employees on new export control procedure implemented in 2019
Progress and achievements in 2023
A completion rate of 91% was reached for export control training in 2023 for employees who were required to complete the course
Whistleblowing system
Targets for 2023
Monitoring of whistleblowing procedure
Progress and achievements in 2023
In 2023, one case of misconduct was reported via our external whistleblowing hotline. The case has been solved
*Anti-competitive behaviour and violations of antitrust and monopoly regulations
In order to maintain our high standards in business practices, compliance training will continue every two years for all relevant staff.
To prevent liability risks, internal and external audits regarding export control will be carried out on a regular basis. Implementation is planned for 2024.